And you don’t ascribe other deity with Allah, indeed I am a manifest warner to you from Him.
In Lord’s Book, only this verse and the previous verse are ending with ‘Indeed I am a manifest warner to you from Him’. As explained in verses 21: 24-25, all 313 Messengers were deputed to teach the mankind that there only have one Deity-Allah-to you for invoking, and so you serve Him alone. Whoever doesn’t judge in his individual, family and social life, such are the disbelievers, wrongdoers and transgressors as told in verses 5: 44, 45 and 47 respectively. Whoever invokes anyone besides Allah, he doesn’t invoke except Satan, and Satan entraps all Fujjar who don’t transform their Jinn soulmates in to believers with Adhikr as explained in verses 4: 117-118; and 43: 36-39. See explanation 9: 31; 28: 87-88; 38: 65; and 47: 18-19.